Media articles

2023 Champion of Diversity Award Recipients-Media Planet Article

November 2024
ANCWT is happy to announce that Dr. Abdul-Majid has been awarded a 2023 Champion of Diversity Award by the Government of Ontario. This award is in recognition of Dr. Abdul-Majid’s considerable commitment to assisting immigrant and refugee women from STEM fields through ANCWT. For over 7 years, she has helped over 80 women with technical skills in engineering and technology find employment in their fields.

2023 Champion of Diversity Award Recipients

June 2024
ANCWT is happy to announce that Dr. Abdul-Majid has been awarded a 2023 Champion of Diversity Award by the Government of Ontario. This award is in recognition of Dr. Abdul-Majid’s considerable commitment to assisting immigrant and refugee women from STEM fields through ANCWT. For over 7 years, she has helped over 80 women with technical skills in engineering and technology find employment in their fields.

Advancing New Canadian Women in Technology Prepares for New Cohort

September 2023
Advancing New Canadian Women in Technology’s new cohort will prepare new immigrant women with technical STEM skills for the Canadian job market.

The most valuable soft skills in IT: Toronto Women in IT winners share

December 18th 2019
The Enterprisers Project, Ginny Hamilton, December 18 2019
The most valuable soft skills in IT: Toronto Women in IT winners share
ANCWT president Sawsan Abdul-Majid and other Women in IT award winners talk about the soft skills they think are the most important and how to build up these skills to get a job in the competitive IT talent market.

Women in IT – winners and nominees

Faculty of engineering
November 28th 2019
List of the uOttawa alumni winners and nominees for the women in IT awards. 


Femmes en TI – gagnantes et finalistes

28 Novembre 2019
Faculté de génie
Liste des anciennes de uOttawa qui sont les gagnantes ou finalistes du prix de Femmes en TI.

Empowering New Immigrants to Enter the Job Market

June 12 2018
Nadine Aldesouky, University of Ottawa Faculty of Engineering
ANCWT is addressing the problem of new Canadians getting overlooked for jobs they are qualified for. Raghad, who is from Iraq, has qualifications and years of experience in engineering, but cannot seem to get hired. ANCWT is helping people with similar stories to Raghad to be able to succeed and find work in the Canadian job market.

Favoriser l’intégration au marché du travail des nouveaux immigrants

12 Juin 2018
Nadine Aldesouky, Université d’Ottawa Faculté de génie
L’ANCWT s’attaque au problème des nouvelles canadiennes qui recherchent des emplois pour lesquels ils sont qualifiés. Raghad, originaire d’Irak, possède les qualifications et les années d’expérience en ingénierie, mais ne semble pas pouvoir être embauché. L’ANCWT aide des personnes ayant des histoires similaires à Raghad, à réussir et à trouver un emploi sur le marché du travail canadien.

U of O prof starts work program for refugees

September 21st 2016
Zainab Al-Mehdar, Fulcrum
In July 2016, Advancing New Candian Woman in Technology (ANCWT) was created by Sawan Abdul-Majid with the goal to help transition new Canadians into the Canadian job market. The program consists of 3 phases: interviewing, matching the candidates with companies, and placement. The candidate is either placed with an Ottawa-based company for three months, or they can start their own business. This program is made to help women who came to Canada with an education and need help finding a job where they can use it.

Career Track: Professor spearheads back-to-work programs for refugees

September 9th 2016
Ottawa Citizen, Joanne Laucius
Advancing New Canadian Woman in Technology (ANCWT), created to help newcomers create their professional network, find opportunities, and build motivation, runs courses to help educated newcomers get jobs in their field. There are many barriers facing newcomers, such as financial challenges, a lack of daycare, difficulty finding opportunities, and language barriers.
Advancing New Canadian Woman in Technology (ANCWT), créé pour aider les nouvelles arrivantes à obtenir le réseau, les opportunités et la détermination dont elles ont besoin, organise des cours pour aider les nouvelles arrivantes instruites à trouver un emploi dans leur domaine. Il existe de nombreux obstacles qui les retiennent, comme le besoin financière, le manque de garderies, la difficulté à trouver du travail, et la barrière linguistique.

Summer school for new Canadians 

July 19th 2016
Mike Foster, La Gazette
ANCWT is a four-week program that is teaching new Canadians who already have a technical education entrepreneurial skills, job searching skills, how to write a resume, interview skills, and how to adapt to living in the busy city of Ottawa. ANCWT gives a chance to new Canadians to get a job in the field they love and spent time and money studying.

Relancer une carrière interrompue

19 Juillet 2016
Mike Foster, La Gazette
ANCWT est un programme qui dure quatre semaines qui apprends des nouveaux canadiens qui ont déjà acquis une éducation des compétences entrepreneuriales, compétences en recherche d’emploi, comment rédiger un curriculum vitae, compétences en entrevue et comment s’adapter à la vie dans la ville animée d’Ottawa. L’ANCWT donne la chance aux néo-canadiens d’obtenir un emploi dans le domaine qu’ils aiment et de passer du temps et de l’argent à étudier.