Laura Paul, P.Eng

Personal Branding on LinkedIN

Laura Paul’s, P.Eng wide-ranging experience encompasses multiple perspectives: Client, Designer and Contractor. She is currently a Project Manager and Team Leader with Tiree Facility Solutions, a management consulting and professional services company focused on providing intelligent solutions for infrastructure, real estate, assets and workspaces through leading complex construction programs for government and Fortune 500 companies, ensuring smarter capital investments, including support for building responsible and sustainable infrastructure. Previously she worked as a Sustainable Building Desiger, as well as on-site Field Engineer.

In 2014 Laura was appointed as President of the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) Ottawa Region Chapter, and was instrumental in building and supporting Emerging Green Builder (EBG) Groups across Canada. She achieved a National Leadership award from the Canada Green Building Council, Carson Award for Community and Environmental Leadership, and was ranked as a top 20 Influencer for Sustainability and the Built Environment on Twitter.

Laura obtained her Civil Engineering degree from the University of New Brunswick, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario. She holds an MBA from Telfer School of Management at University of Ottawa. She is passionate about the power of Social Media to create change, obtained a Social Media Marketing Certification from Hootsuite Media, and is a Part Time Professor at Telfer School of Management teaching Social Media Marketing for Business as well as Personal Branding.