Interview Competencies and Networking Tips – Strategies for Successful Job Searching
Author. Speaker. Coach. Entrepreneur. Facilitator. Blogger.
Advocate for employment opportunities for newcomers, refugees, youth and women.
Magdalene is an advocate for living life fully from the soul, both in her career and her personal life. She has over thirty years of experience working in the fields of Education, Special Education, Employment, Management, Newcomers, Youth and Women. She has helped to initiate and develop new programs with a focus on improving the lives of others, wherever she has worked. She is passionately interested in empowering others to be leaders and to live a meaningful and purpose-driven life. She received a Community Leader’s Award by Immigrant Women Services in 2009, which recognized her leadership skills and contribution to Ottawa.
“I am a girl on a soul mission to live my life to the fullest and to die feeling happily exhausted from using every bit of talent which I am blessed with, and to bless whoever comes into contact with me, in whatever capacity, wherever they are.” (For WOW feature – Immigrants of Ottawa.)Magdalene is the author and publisher of Mags Magazine, an inspirational magazine designed to inspire others to live their soul missions. She has completed two editions: Live Your Future Now and Soulful Encounters.
Magdalene Cooman is the Director of Employer Engagement at World Skills Employment Centre. She leads employer engagement initiatives and works strategically with employers in Ottawa to establish partnerships and promote newcomer talent as a valuable asset for businesses (Private Sector and Government) as well as labour market integration. She is internationally trained herself and has extensive experience working as an employment counselor and coach with newcomers. She has developed several curriculum and training programs for organizations in Ottawa and Ontario, for both newcomers and staff who work with newcomers. She is a keen advocate for newcomers.